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Thursday, April 21, 2011

You Know You're TTC When...

Remember the good old days when you had no idea what cervical mucus was; you didn’t chart your temperature first thing in the morning and you never had a full emotional breakdown if your husband was unavailable during your peak ovulation period.
Infertility has made you weird.(and maybe a little crazy).
Remember the days when you used birth control pills so you wouldn’t get pregnant? When your older cousin announced her pregnancy and you didn’t burst into tears? When you would walk past a pregnant woman without glaring and feeling jealous of her baby bump? Your life has now changed. Oh, how it has changed.
You now know your husband’s exact sperm count and the rate of his motility (which, luckily, in my case.. his boys were in perfect shape) You now use words like ‘cervical mucus’ and ‘ovulation’ as if they are common words (I think I saw cervical mucus last month so I guess I ovulated. Do you think I could be pregnant, co-worker who I don’t really know?). You now have fertility medication in your refrigerator, right next to the milk and last night’s leftover quiche (Dinner time! Tonight we’re having meatloaf or Progesterone). You google all your fake pregnancy symptoms including (and not limited to): I have a cold. Am I pregnant? Strange twitches on left side. Am I pregnant? My right breast feels more swollen than my left. Am I pregnant already?
  1. You sob every time someone posts a belly photo on Facebook.
  2. A pregnancy announcement from your friend or a complete stranger can send you into an equal depression.
  3. You have and bookmarked on your computer.
  4. You refuse to buy tampons/pads, just in case you might be pregnant this month (and your underwear suffers).
  5. You stop drinking coffee/soda and then drink as much as you can once your period arrives.
  6. Seeing a drop in your basal temperature makes you inconsolably upset.
  7. You listen to Michael Bolton songs and it makes you think of your infertility journey.
  8. You feel relieved to see another woman carry a tampon into a bathroom stall. 
Infertility has made your weird. But it’s not your fault. Blame infertility.

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  1. I dealt with this issue yesterday, and it sucked. My brother and his wife can't understand why I'm not going crazy over the birth of their new child, and it blew up in my face.
    I look forward to following your blog.
    If you'd like to follow mine, it's
    I wish you and your husband all the best, and hope your get your precious bundle soon.

  2. Gah! Isn't that the worst! My best friend got pregnant right before the last round of IUI's we did before my husband deployed; and of course, she wanted me to throw the baby shower. :(

  3. I absolutely LOVE this post. I am relatively new to the Fertility Issue board on & came across your posting there. Your blog makes me laugh & cry because I can absolutely relate to everything you are going through!!

  4. Hopefully you won't be going through it for long!! Well, hopefully none of us do! My fingers are crossed for all of us! And, thank you. (:
