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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Very Short Post; But Very Irritated TTCer.

You know what burns my biscuits?
The women who, in infertility/trying to conceive discussion boards, post their "ooh I'm pregnant" stories.

Number 1: 98% of us don't know you; therefore, leading into....
Number 2: 98% of us don't care.
Number 3: the 2% that do know you; would probably rather it not be rubbed in their face either.

Honestly. As a woman struggling with infertility, how did YOU feel about women like yourself shoving their baby bumps in your face? Likely, not too thrilled.

I am bitter. I'm fully aware of this. So, don't judge.

They have discussion boards dedicated to your kind; so give us, the unchosen ones, a break.
Gee wizz.


  1. Ah.. I feel so much better! Who needs therapy when you can write a blog!! ( :

  2. Hi following your blog from BBC. We all have days where we want to reach through the comp and bitch slap the bfp poster. ;) We'll get our chance one day!
